What is a Consumer Representative?
A consumer representative is a member of a government, professional body, industry or non-governmental organisation committee who voices consumer perspectives and takes part in the decision-making process on behalf of consumers. This person is nominated by, and is accountable to, an organisation of consumers. In the case of maternity consumer representation on behalf of MCN, you would be accountable to our organisation, whilst representation the views of our members and broader maternity consumers.
Consumer representatives often hear other committee members say that they are also a consumer and can act as a consumer representative. Everyone is a consumer, but not every committee member can represent consumers. Other committee members such as midwives, researchers or Obstetricians are usually placed on the committee to represent those perspectives. They cannot possibly do this and represent maternity consumers at the same time. Only those people whose primary experience is as a consumer can represent a consumer perspective because their judgment is not clouded by another perspective.